AI Assisted Art

Generative AI Art


Ten Women I’ve Not Met

I've spoken with many folks who are worried about AI's disruption. But I'm simply awe-struck. We now live in a world where a guy like me can conceive a concept like this in his bedroom and complete it within 48 hours. That doesn't mean it's easy; I created over 250 unique prompts and produced over 1200 images to curate this collection of 10. It just means that this power is accessible. And as an individual who's long felt that his creative potential is only held back by his financial and production limitations, I've received the keys to the world.

This is my latest AI project, inspired by that explosion of worldly potential. Ten shots of women I've never had the luck to meet, in locations I've never had the chance to visit, wearing clothes I haven't been able to sew, in scenes I've not yet been able to build.


The First
AI-Generated Alphabet

As an exercise in learning how to craft images using AI tools, I made an alphabet in the tradition of Jessica Hische’s drop-cap project. It was an unbelievably difficult process that took over two months of daily trial and error. The leading image generation platform, Midjourney, is really bad at letters. Which made this a really great project for flexing my creative muscles to make the perfect prompt.


The Shade;
The Shade of it All

Have you heard the news? Tennessee has gone and banned drag performances in public places, all because they think they’re a danger to children. As if they’re going to sneak into schools and start teaching the boys how to contour and strut in heels.

I've created some prompts featuring Tennessee drag queens protesting the ban, all done in a way that's referential and respectful of civil rights protests. Because let's face it, when civil rights slip for some of us, they slip for everyone.